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Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that involves offensive sexual behavior including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, touching in a sexual nature, or comments of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is an alarming and often terrifying experience that no one should have to face.
There are three ways that unwanted sexually offensive behavior in the workplace violates the law:
- When the harasser intends to terminate you or subject you to other negative employment consequences for rejecting the inappropriate conduct, the behavior is unlawful.
- When the harasser intends to reward you for going along with the sexual conduct by giving you a raise, a promotion or some other positive treatment, the behavior violates the law.
- When the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment that is so severe it can be described as abusive, the conduct is prohibited.
It is important that you make clear to the harasser that the conduct is unwelcome. If you are a low-wage worker (employed or temporarily unemployed) and you are experiencing sexual harassment, you may call our office for a free consultation. We are a nonprofit organization that helps low-wage workers access the legal and organizational support they need to protect their rights and connects low-wage workers to employment lawyers when needed.