I never get a lunch break and I don't get paid for it either.

Lunch breaks?What lunch breaks?Yet, every friday these breaks are taken out of my paycheck. This doesn't seem right. It's not right! It's wage theft!

An employer cannot dock a worker’s hours for breaks that were never actually taken.  Employers are not required to pay an employee for a meal breaks (usually) 30-60 minutes). But employers must pay the employee for any break that is 20 minutes or less. If you're a low-wage worker and you believe your employer is deducting breaks, that weren't taken, from your pay call our office to discuss. 

Click here to learn more about wage theft and how to protect yourself.

My boss tells me to clock out and then finish mopping the floors.

If you're working, you should be getting paid. An employer must compensate employees for all of the work they do, from the moment they arrive at work until the moment they leave work.

It's simple, if you're working you should be getting paid..  An employer should not be requiring you to do any tasks off the clock. You should be getting paid for all the work you do from the time you arrive at work until you leave. Click here to learn more about wage theft. If you're a low-wage worker you may call our office for a free consult.